This waiver of liability is a voluntary agreement to which the participant and, if applicable, parents or legal guardians of the participant have knowingly an willingly decided to enter into with the MERCER AIRSOFT CENTER and it's affiliates, associates, teams, sponsors and event organizers. This waiver of liability states that the beforementioned parties are not liable to any personal bodily injury, which includes disease, sprains, fractures, partial or total paralysis, eye injury, blindness, heat stroke, heart attack or other physical ailments, damage to or loss of personal property, or accidental death. Under this agreement, the participant and, if applicable, parents or legal guardians knowingly and willingly acknowledge that there are certain risks associated with the participation of persons in airsoft events. Under this agreement, the participant has agreed to read and remain updated on and follow all established field and safety rules as they have been published by the MERCER AIRSOFT CENTER and the center's insurer whether or not they have been expressed in verbal or written mediums.
Under the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (UETA), this waiver is granted the same status and consideration as a document that has been signed by hand and therefore cannot be denied legal status and process solely because it is in an electronic format.
By checking this box the player listed above has agreed to read and follow all center rules, requirements and restrictions as listed at and understands that violation of said rules, requirements and restrictions may be grounds for suspension from participation in future events at the Mercer Airsoft Center.